
With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

This is an abbreviated version of the article ' Uber Launching Campaign To Gain Public Acceptance Of UAM' by Graham Warwick. Uber is launching a three

“Closer than you think” is an unofficial mantra of the nascent urban air mobility (UAM) industry, and two events in the first weeks of 2020 underline the progress made in little more than a decade. Do you agree with the sentiment?

English Text by James Pozzi
2019年の終わりには、記録的なMRO支出によって 商業航空アフターマーケットは支えられましたが、その中身が十分に文書化された生産量の制約が近ー中期的に緩和されることには依然として懐疑的です。
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by James Pozzi
AIr Transport & MRO

Airbus is in the final throes of certifying its H160 twin-engine medium rotorcraft, which emerged out of the company’s X4 program in 2015.

English Text by Michael Bruno
ボーイングの利害関係者は、2019年1月29日の財務結果に関するレポートで、737 MAXの大失敗に終わったコストに関する詳細を知ることができます。
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Michael Bruno
波音的利益相关者可能会在公司1月29日发布的2019年财务业绩报告中找到有关737 MAX惨烈成本的更多信息。波音此前确定了对飞机运营商的56亿美元税前客户补偿,并将737计划的会计核算费用增加了36亿美元,但金融分析师、顾问和其他人士都认为这些数字只是一个开始。
AIr Transport & MRO

日本の防衛省は、Lockheed Martin社製F-35ライトニングのパイロットを訓練するために、明らかになっていない情報を求めています。
Aerospace & Defense

AIr Transport & MRO

Air Transport & MRO

English Text by James Pozzi
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by James Pozzi
AIr Transport & MRO

With so much going on within the global MRO market, how much did you take in from last week's news stories by Aviation Week MRO? Take our weekly quiz

English Text by Thierry Dubois and Helen Massy-Beresford
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Thierry Dubois and Helen Massy-Beresford
Air Transport & MRO

Growth in mainland Chinese airline passenger numbers slowed in 2019, when the industry carried 660 million people, up 7.9% on a year earlier, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said.
EN Asia Air Transport & MRO

As we enter a new decade we ask, should we expect to see any major changes as 2020 starts? For one, the aviation industry will need to focus more on

As we head further into 2020, we take a look at the regional projections for MRO in 2020. Discover the MRO demand revenues, commercial fleet forecasts

With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories. Vote on key industry issues and topics with our polls.

With so much going on within the global MRO market, how much did you take in from last week's news stories by Aviation Week MRO? Take our weekly quiz

English Text by Bradley Perrett
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Lee Ann Shay
Aviation Week Network 2020 Fleet & MRO Forecastsによると、2020年、商用・軍用・ビジネス航空および民間ヘリコプターに関連するMRO市場は、1843億ドルに相当します。
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Bradley Perrett
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Lee Ann Shay
据Aviation Week Network最新发布的2020年机群和MRO预测,2020年商用、军用、商务航空和民用直升机的MRO市场总价值将达到1843亿美元。
AIr Transport & MRO