
Aerospace & Defense

Aerospace & Defense

With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

By Karen Walker
What is your opinion regarding the future of the aviation industry in India?
Airlines & Lessors

A decade ago, the world had an “insatiable appetite” for large corporate jets, but that demand has recently decreased, said aviation consultant Brian
European Business Aviation Special Report

With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

By Graham Warwick
Ask the Editors: The U.S. Air Force’s Agility Prime program could be pivotal for commercial eVTOL vehicle developers.
Advanced Air Mobility

The demand-sapping ripple effects of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic have reached aviation maintenance facilities, quickly reversing one

China plans to increase defence spending in 2020 despite the expectation of dramatically reduced economic growth, maintaining pressure on neighboring countries to protect their own defence budgets from cuts.

AIr Transport & MRO

Air Transport & MRO

With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

The first half of 2020 was an economic catastrophe for the business aviation sector, for air transport in general and for most of the world economies
European Business Aviation Special Report

Without flight hours, utilization-based scheduled maintenance will decline; however, calendar-timed service intervals remain for parked fleets.

By Jen DiMascio
Ask the Editors: The global space economy is projected to exceed $1.1 trillion by 2040, but it is unclear how COVID-19 will affect that.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Sean Broderick
Ask the Editors: Embraer’s CEO says the original E175 will remain in production for as long as there are customers.
Small Narrowbody Jets

Air Transport & MRO

With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

By Lee Ann Shay
Ask the Editors: Airlines will be in cash-preservation mode as long as they can, so this year and 2021 could be tough for maintenance.
Aircraft & Propulsion

Aviation Week Network forecasts that over the next ten years, 706 new Western-designed attack helicopters will be built, 588 will be remanufactured

With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

How many aircraft will need to be stored long term, converted or parted out?

By Graham Warwick
Ask the Editors: Instead of the mature horizontal model of today’s engine market, electric propulsion has been vertically integrated.
Emerging Technologies

Aerospace & Defense

コロナ危機が民間航空機マーケットおよび防衛産業基盤に悪影響をもたらした結果、今後18ヶ月で下流のサプライヤーの実に5分の1が航空宇宙防衛(A&D)分野から撤退する可能性があると、経験豊富なサプライチェーン専門家がAviation Weekに明らかにした。
Aerospace & Defense