Demand For Light Tactical Transport Aircraft Booming | 对轻型战术运输机的需求蓬勃发展

A buoyant market exists for light tactical transports like the Airbus C295 as the process of replacing legacy fleets gathers pace.
Credit: Airbus


Light tactical transport aircraft may not represent the most high-profile segment within the military aircraft market, but it is a segment where a wave of modernization is currently underway. As legacy fleets are phased out, many air forces around the world are seeking to sustain the niche capability these platforms provide.


当前这部分市场蓬勃发展的主要原因,是由于大量冷战时期运输机的退役,尤其是20世纪60年代初就首飞的安-24 系列飞机。目前,这些轻型运输机中有 414 架仍在世界各地运营,占全球所有现役轻型战术运输机的 42%。

The buoyant state of the current market is driven largely by the withdrawal of large numbers of Cold War era aircraft—especially the Antonov An-24 family, which first entered service in the early 1960s. At present 414 of these aircraft are still in operation around the world, representing 42% of all light tactical transport aircraft in service globally.