Checklist: Avoid Mishaps From Unsecured Items In Flight

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The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has investigated a multitude mishaps stemming from one common error — unsecured or forgotten items in the aircraft.

When preparing for a flight, a seasoned pilot ensures the airworthiness of their aircraft through numerous tasks. Whether that includes checking fuel levels, testing equipment or visual inspections, small details can sometimes go unnoticed — leaving room for potential harm.

During each stage of flight, unsecured items can become dangerous hazards inside the cockpit. When maneuvering or encountering turbulence, small items, such as wrenches or cell phones, can cause damage to equipment and even block control surfaces.

In order to ensure a safe flight, pilots must include this factor in their preflight inspections, the NTSB urges.

What Can Pilots Do?

1.    Inspect the aircraft for forgotten or misplaced items before takeoff. When maintenance is performed, make sure to account for all tools used. Both pilots and technicians can make mistakes.

2.    Conduct an inventory of all equipment installed on the aircraft. Visually and physically confirm the structural integrity of antennas, GPS units and other avionic devices. Doing so ensures their availability during flight.

3.    Account for all personal items. Clothing, cell phones and bags should be properly stored in a compartment or on your person. After a flight, make sure any personal electronic devices (PEDs) are appropriately stored or removed from the aircraft.

4.    Prior to takeoff, remind all passengers to secure their PEDs and other personal items. Everything must be accounted for before and after the flight.

Jeremy Kariuki

Jeremy Kariuki is Associate Editor for Business Aviation, based in Atlanta. Before joining Aviation Week in April 2023, Jeremy served as a writer for FLYING Magazine, FreightWaves and the Center for Sustainable Journalism.