Matthew Fulco

Business Editor

Washington, DC


Matthew Fulco is Business Editor for Aviation Week, focusing on commercial aerospace and defense. He previously worked as a journalist in Taiwan for eight years, covering semiconductor supply chains, defense and geopolitics. Prior to that he was based in Shanghai for five years covering the technology and hospitality sectors. He is proficient in Mandarin Chinese and French. Matthew holds a Master of International Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and a BA in History from Kenyon College.


By Matthew Fulco
Raytheon has been awarded a $20 million contract to develop an advanced multi-chip package for use in airborne, maritime and ground sensors.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Matthew Fulco
The defense tech ecosystem is coming into its own as the Pentagon works to overcome the so-called “valley of death.”
Supply Chain

By Matthew Fulco
Despite Spirit's reliance on leased aircraft, lessor specific exposure to the financially distressed airline is not large enough to raise any red flags.
Airlines & Lessors