Mal Gormley



By Mal Gormley
The chatter within the inflight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) industry is increasingly about the “passenger experience” — broadly meaning the gestalt of interaction between the passenger and the flight, from booking, to the terminal experience, to the cabin environment.
Business Aviation

By Mal Gormley
We seldom see so many exciting new developments in our annual avionics listings. For example, there’s a try-n-buy synthetic vision system, several electronics countermeasure offerings, some promising wearable tech, rebate programs, several new FANS-1 offerings, avionics for meeting FAR Part 135 rotary-wing rules, new flight and cockpit voice recorders, plus a wide variety of new avionics packages available to meet on-coming U.S. and European Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) mandates.
Business Aviation

By Mal Gormley
According to a 2013 study by Airbus, passengers cited lack of sleeping comfort, back ache, and leg ache as the top three factors for discomfort on long haul flights. They also said that seats that are too narrow would have a negative impact on their post flight well-being, impacting them with tiredness and sore muscles. Post flight well-being was of particular concern to business passengers who need to ensure they are able to perform in working environments.
Business Aviation