Mal Gormley



Mal Gormley
Like most people in the world of work, you've likely heard a lot about the Internet and all it has to offer anyone with a computer and a modem. But so far, you may not have heard what the Internet has to offer business aviation. We've been spending a little time in ``cyberspace'' lately, and discovered plenty of compelling reasons for you to sit in front of your PC, crank up your modem and see what's out there. Even if you're a regular user of one of the online services, you may have wondered what other areas of the Internet have to offer aviation.

Mal Gormley
Being able to gather and analyze data about your flight department provides a solid foundation when you work with your company's top management. The reporting capability of a computerized management system is essential to this task. Happily, the recent development of graphical flight department management software is making the tasks of tracking, reporting and projecting an operation's activity easier than was the case only a few years ago.