Angus Batey

Cambridge, England


Angus Batey has been contributing to various titles within the Aviation Week Network since 2009. He has reported from military bases, industrial facilities, trade shows and conferences, on topics ranging from defense and space to business aviation, advanced air mobility and cybersecurity.


Angus Batey (Whiteman AFB, Mo.)
It is among the U.S. Air Force’s most finite resources, but the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is still growing in capabilities, and it’s an aircraft America is happy to allow an ally to use. A long-standing exchange program that has seen USAF personnel trade places with those from the Royal Air Force was extended to the B-2 in 2004.

Angus Batey (London)
One potentially decisive battle of the Afghan counterinsurgency will take place early next year—not in country, but in a courtroom in Washington. That, at least, is the view of attorney David Rivkin, who believes that a pending decision by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia could have devastating repercussions for coalition forces in Afghanistan.

Angus Batey (Waddington, England)
A 1940s-era hangar on an RAF base in Lincolnshire may not seem a likely front-line location in the battle for data security. But the Air Battlespace Training Center (ABTC) is more than a successful testbed for the British military’s Distributed Synthetic Air-Land Training initiative: Its information technology (IT) infrastructure points the way ahead in the increasingly vital business of ensuring the security of military data.