World Routes 2011 - Your Feedback is Important to us

If you attended World Routes in Berlin make sure you complete the online survey before the closing date of Friday 18th November. Your feedback will give us essential information about how satisfied delegates are with our events and will help us understand how we can improve the level of service and facilities for future Routes events.

Each attending delegate has been sent a reminder this week including a unique link to the survey which can be found by searching your inbox for emails from With only one week to go before this survey closes we’d really appreciate your valued comments so please complete this simple online questionnaire which should take no longer than 15 minutes.

Thank you to all delegates who have already completed the on-line survey, your input will play an important role in the development of Routes events and we are extremely grateful.

Please note that responses to the questionnaire will be aggregated for analysis purposes and your personal answers will be kept strictly confidential (unless you specify that you would like Routes to respond directly to your input).

Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…