WORLD ROUTES 2011: Over 750 Airports Registered

World Routes 2011 will welcome representatives from more than 750 Airports from every corner of the world from Toronto to Timbuktu. Delegations vary in size and airports now recognise the need to bring bigger teams to World Routes to ensure total coverage of the airlines who will be attending.

Are you bringing your tourism authority? Our research tells us that airlines appreciate a united front from all stakeholders who will benefit from new or expanded air service. World Routes is also an opportunity for you to meet with partner airports, to come together to present to airlines as a combined effort.

It is not too late to register for the first time or to book your colleagues to assist you in your airline meetings. Remember that there is a packed programme of seminars and briefings and it’s not always possible to be everywhere at once.

Low rates are on offer for observer delegates and these include full event access and invitations to the social programme including the Gala Evening taking place at the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport.

Your competitors are more than likely to be joining us in Berlin – can you afford not to be there?

Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…