What’s On The Horizon For: Airsiders

Berlin-based travel-tech company Airsiders spoke to Routes during Routes Europe 2024 in Aarhus, Denmark, to discuss their innovative solutions for the aviation industry and upcoming developments.

Airsiders collaborates with airports and airlines to enhance connectivity and the digital passenger experience. With a mission to make travel as seamless as possible, the company is frequently approached by the aviation industry to provide strategic solutions to meet traveler demands.

Speaking at Routes Europe, commercial director Antonio Pascale said that airlines approach them for assistance in overcoming technical and time restricted barriers to make agreements with other carriers, ultimately easing the passenger experience. Other clients come to Airsiders for digital solutions to help fill seat capacity during off-peak months and to address manufacturing issues when airlines want to offer new destinations but lack available aircraft.

Airsiders' recent innovation, Airsiders Check-Thru, is a solution that allows self-connecting passengers to connect to any airline between any airports with their luggage checked all the way through. Discussing the service, Pascale said: “We want to achieve real end-to-end connectivity. It is something unique that never existed before.”

The Airsiders Check-Thru service will go live with a German airport this summer, interlinking a German carrier with other airlines. With an aim to make this solution the industry norm, Airsiders exhibited during Routes Europe 2024. Pascale added: “We think Routes is the place to be. It’s the most important event where you can find airlines and airports in just a few days. It’s a unique opportunity, and we are really happy to be here.”

Routes Europe 2024


See full coverage of this year's Routes Europe event.