Wednesday World Routes Special - Bye Bye YVR

World Routes 2010 closed last night in Vancouver, having attracted over 2,500 air transport professionals to British Columbia, including 450 delegates representing 250 airlines. Thousands of meetings at all different levels took place over the course of the three days and the premier of British Columbia, Gordon Campbell, used the event as a platform to announce his intentions to eliminate aviation tax on international flights, while a number of international carriers announced major new routes to coincide with the global air service event. Routesonline is your one-stop shop for all the World Routes coverage, where you can see all the photos, watch the video interviews and catch up with all the latest airline route announcements from the past three days. Click here now.

Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…