Monday World Routes Special - TAS Tackles Social Media Challenges

Social media is not a fad and has changed forever the way that tourism destinations and products communicate with their consumers. This was the message from the minister of tourism for the Jamaican Tourist Board, Edmund Bartlett, who was speaking yesterday afternoon at the Tourism & Air Services Summit (TAS).

Bartlett pointed out that the "centre had moved to the peripheries" - meaning that communication is no longer from brand to consumer but from consumer to consumer. "The challenge for us is in ensuring the integrity of our product. Social media also invites us all to improve service levels at every level," he said.

The first session panel was (pictured from left): Walt Judas, vice president of marketing communications and member services, Tourism Vancouver; Irena Gueorguileva, president of ABTTA and ECTAA; Edmund Bartlett, minister of touris, Jamaican Tourist Board; Dr Jacqueline Arzoz Pades, secretary of tourism, Mexico and Paul Clark, vice president destinations & customer experience, InterVISTAS Consulting Group.

Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…