Meet The Winners: Japan National Tourism Organization

During Routes Asia 2024 in Langkawi, Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) spoke to Routes about growing inbound traveler numbers and what it meant to be named the Overall Winner at the Routes Awards.  

JNTO’s primary objective is to promote inbound tourism to Japan, providing services for foreign visitors and the Japanese tourism industry. Achieving an 85% recovery in passenger numbers compared to pre-pandemic levels, JNTO has pursued sustained growth through a strategic approach to route development. 

The organization’s market development strategy encompasses initiatives to promote visitors to regional areas. Collaborating with airlines and travel agencies, including online platforms, it runs campaigns with a focus on key targets like Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand, identified for their high interest in regional exploration and repeat visits. 

Akira Watabe, director global projects at JNTO, said that by analyzing data, its successful campaigns to increase passenger numbers on discounted routes from Hong Kong and Bangkok to Kansai International Airport (KIX) led to more than 2,300 international flight reservations from Hong Kong and over 900 from Thailand. 

JNTO also provides valuable insights into local market trends, consumer behavior, and regulatory requirements, helping airlines develop profitable routes. Work includes collaborations with carriers such as Peach on airline-specific marketing campaigns to promote passenger incentives and attractions. 

Japan has also been selected as the host country for World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Kansai. More than 160 and 28.2 million visitors are expected to visit the event, while the Asia-Pacific Institute of Research estimates visitor spending at ¥891.3 billion ($5.67 billion). Watabe noted that this presents “a great opportunity to promote Japan to the world and increase passenger numbers.” 

At the Routes Awards in Langkawi, JNTO was named the winner of the Destination Category and crowned the Overall Winner. Recognized by its airline partners, Watabe told Routes: “We are very much honored to receive this prestigious award.” 

Routes Asia 2024

Routes Asia 2024 brings together the network development community from the region ands beyond for the event in langkawi, Malaysia, alongside a conference programme with high-level speakers. Read all the news from Routes Asia 2024.