Looking for Airport Investors?... Invest & Manage 2011 is the Answer
The inaugural Invest & Manage event, due to take place in London from 8-9 December is gaining momentum, with Denver International Airport amongst the latest airport attendees.
The event, which is designed for airports to meet on a one to one basis with potential investors, was well received by many of the 2,700 delegates who attended World Routes in Berlin earlier this month. In addition to the pre-scheduled meetings, a series of Opportunity Briefings will also be taking place during the event, with confirmed briefings from organisations such as GVK India and GIA Heritage together with confirmed attendees from Global Infrastructure Partners and JP Morgan amongst others.
David Stroud, Executive Vice President of UBM Aviation, organisers of the event said: “We are delighted that this brand new event has been well received by the aviation community. There is real value in the pre-arranged meetings concept we have seen that with the success of our Routes events. We hope that, in the future, this event will become the equivalent to the airport investment community that Routes events are to the route development community”
So, for airports and airport operators who are looking for future investors this is a must attend event, featuring a packed programme including; a pre-scheduled diary of meetings with the key decision makers from the investment community, Keynote Speakers, an Investors Masterclass and Opportunity Briefings.
If you are interested in finding out more or to register please contact Sadie.Platt@ubmaviation.com or visit investandmanage.com