The Latest News Ahead of World Routes in Abu Dhabi

Over 610 airline delegates are now registered to attend World Routes in Abu Dhabi. Amazingly this is almost a 50% increase from the number of airline delegates at World Routes in Vancouver just two years ago in 2010.

This week Sky Team member, Air France confirmed that 8 of their representatives will be present in Abu Dhabi, covering all global markets, and British Airways also confirmed a strong delegation of 12 meaning that all but two oneworld carriers are now registered for the event. The much talked about FastJet, backed by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou founder of easyJet, also confirmed their attendance for the 18thWorld Route Development Forum bringing the total number of carriers represented at this year’s World Routes up to 290 so far. FastJet’s Chief Commercial Officer has also confirmed that he will deliver a Route Exchange Airline Briefing during the event.

This year will also see a strong presence from Russian carriers with registrations received, so far, from Aeroflot Russian Airlines, Air Bridge Cargo (Volga Dnepr Group), Rossiya - Russian Airlines, S7 Airlines, Tatarstan Airlines, Transaero Airlines, Ural Airlines and UTAir. This is our strongest ever representation from Russia with over 35 delegates in attendance from these carriers. The complete and up to date list of airline attendees, which now has an improved layout, can be found here.

Almost 1,000 airport delegates representing over 650 airports from around the world have also registered to attend the event to date. During the past 7 days new registrations have been received from a number of airports and tourism authorities including Chubu Centrair International Airport, Aeropuerto de Carrasco – Montevideo, Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development and Mexico’s Ministry of Tourism.

This year participation from Tourism Authorities from around the world is strong with senior level delegate representation. Many destinations, including Mexico, Greece, Ghana, Sarawak, Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa and the Seychelles, amongst others have also confirmed that their Minister for Tourism will be in attendance at World Routes with many delivering ministerial destination briefings as part of the Routes Talks Tourism programme.

For more information and to register for World Routes 2012 click here.

Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…