And Finally...

With The 16th World Route Development Forum just around the corner, Routesonline are continuing to bring you the best in online networking tools and breaking news within the route development community.

Enhanced Airports join the Exchange - Get listed now for your chance to win an iPad

The new Route Exchange is the online bidding platform where airports and airlines are able to trade for new routes. With over 140 airlines, and now over 120 airports listed in the new Route Exchange, the unique platform offered to airlines is now open to ROL enhanced airports.

Route Exchange allows listed airports unique access to airline capacity. With daily information added by carriers on Route Exchange airports are able to bid for airline capacity for current and future planning cycles, whilst being updated on airline requirements and specific opportunities within their network. Airports that are listed in Route Exchange have their market information sent to target airlines in the Exchange creating a new online trading zone for new route development.

Route Exchange is a unique platform for airports to receive daily airline capacity and supply their market to a database of over 2500 airline users.

A wide range of airlines are listed on Route Exchange, Star Alliance member such as South African Airways and United Airlines, whilst SkyTeam and oneworld members China Southern and American Airlines are listed carriers. Whilst the low cost sector is evident on a global level with the likes of Southwest Airlines, easyJet, Jetstar, Flydubai and Spicejet.

Route Exchange is a global facility encouraging trading from around the World. European Airports such as Vienna and Prague are listed whilst Airports of India, Sydney, Melbourne, Seattle on the US west coast and leading Northern UK gateway Leeds Bradford are just some of the airport members trading on the Exchange.

Airlines and airports attending World Routes in Vancouver who are listed on the new Route Exchange have the chance to win an iPad. Get listed now!

Airlines - View Your Meetings Diary, Now Available Online!

Airlines now have the opportunity to view draft meetings diaries, ahead of attending Routes events.

As well as viewing which airports have requested a meeting, airlines can use the links within the diary to visit the ROL airport profiles.

Use the new online system to learn more about the airports that wish to meet with you at Routes.

Follow these few simple steps to view your draft diary:

  • Visit
  • Login to your online account (if you have forgotten your password please enter your email address and request a new password to be sent to you)
  • Click through to your draft diary by clicking on the red 'view my draft diary' logo.
Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…