Ethiopian Airlines CEO to open Routes Africa Strategy Summit.

Tewolde Gebremariam, CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, will give the keynote address at this year’s Routes Africa.

The 9th Routes Africa will take place from 22nd- 24th June in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and will be hosted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe. It will open with the Strategy Summit on Sunday 22nd June and one of the highlights will be a keynote address from Tewolde Gebremariam, CEO of Ethiopian Airlines.

Open to all attending delegates, The Routes Africa Strategy Summit, which is sponsored by aircraft manufacturer ATR (Avions de Transport Regional) is a series of moderator led panel discussions addressing key air service development issues affecting commercial aviation across the region.

Many high level speakers have already confirmed their attendance including: Richard Bodin, Chief Commercial Officer, Fastjet; Dr. Elijah Chingosho, Secretary General, AFRAA; Raphael Kuuchi, Vice President, Africa, IATA; Boris Divjak, Business Regulation Specialist, West and Central Africa, Investment Climate, IFC Dakar and Raul Villaron, Manager, Market Analysis, Commercial Aviation, Middle East and Africa, Embraer.

The Strategy Summit will involve four moderator led sessions covering various aviation related subjects. The first session entitled Africa -Booming Economy, Struggling aviation Section will look at why the aviation sector in Africa continues to struggle despite the new growing economy and the second session, Taking centre stage: Africa’s place in global route development will examine what role LCCs can play in the future of African aviation.

Sessions three and four will take place on Monday 23rd June, with session three discussing Funding Airport Infrastructure and the fourth and final session, VISA Enabling Tourism will look and how important VISA access is to driving tourism.

Keep reading The HUB for regular updates about the Routes Africa Strategy Summit and for more information and to register click here.

Victoria Jones

Victoria is Communications Manager for Routes, providing media support for Routes events. If you're a member of the media and wish to attend one of…