Aerotropolis Americas Live: The Strategic Roadmap & Aerotropolis Masterplanning

Understanding the methodology of developing the strategic roadmap and then researching & planning the Aerotropolis masterplan.

  • Strategic Guidelines.
  • Areas to Consider: Planning, designing, financing and developing.
  • Economic, geographical and cultural changes.
  • Key goals, objectives and future demands - future proofing the aerotropolis.
  • Critical success factors.

Delivered by Prof. John D. Kasarda, Director, Centre for Air Commerce, University of North Carolina.

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Jeffrey P. Fegan welcomes the audience to the highest capacity airport in the world - Dalllas/Fort Worth:

  • DFW has serviced over 230 cities.
  • Recently announced services to Shanghai.
  • Development on the airport has been 'extraordinary'
  • "I've had an exciting career at DFW"
  • "My last official act is to welcome the new CEO for DFW airport - Mr Sean Donohue", who moved to Texas last week.

Sean Donohue's Opening Remarks

"We will soon have not one,not two, but 3 Hyatt Grand hotels, two 18-hole golf courses, car dealerships, a new corporate HQ and a new landmark on the south entrance, with over 200 business partners and that's outside of our airline partners."

Having started his role on Monday he "Immediately became a Dallas Cowboys, Mavericks and Rangers fan."

An Aerotropolis Is

"A multimodal freight and passenger transporation system, which supports efficient, cost-effective, sustainable development in a defined region of economic significance centred around an airport."

The aerotropolis prime purpose is to enhance the region's international competitiveness

  • You have to have a strategy, you can't just have a pretty design, but you do need it to be attractive to businesses.
  • Businesses are on or near an airport, for speedy connectivity to partners, customers etc. This includes transport to the airport and through the airport via customs etc.

Forms of an aerotropolis:

  • Functional
  • Physical
  • Connections

Functional form - stakeholders are airports, airlines and regions

Stakeholders interests are:

  • Airlines
    • minimizing airport-related costs
    • maximizing profits
  • Airports
    • maximize return on assets
    • service debt (loans to build hotels, infrastructure etc)
    • prestige and status via size
  • Region
    • create jobs, attract investment and improve tax breaks
    • limit noise and congestion, environmental factors
    • landowners and developers

Prof John Kasarda (JK): "Do not make strategic decisions on infrastructure development based on cycles, make your decisions based on trends" - the air traffic trend is an undeniably steep curve.

Today over 1/3 of the value of world trade moves by air versus 1% by weight - air cargo is big money business.

Air traffic is the "physical internet"
Just as the digital internet moves information, the physical internet moves goods and people.

Difference between Airport Cities and Aerotropolis

Airport Cities occur on airport land, exist within the airport's jurisdiction and have limited transportation considerations. Aerotropolis developments cross multiple jurisdictions, create nodes of business activity up to 60 miles from the airport and involve complex infrastructure systems based on speed of connectivity.

Ground-based planning

  • Use limited access airport expressways and airport express trains to efficiently and quickly move people to the airport
  • Businesses should be steered to locate in proximity to the airport based on their frequency of use of the airport
  • Cluster rather than strip development should be encouraged along airport transportation corridors.
  • Placemaking and wayfinding to make the aerotropolis developments welcoming and navigable.

"No one aerotropolis I've been working with has all of the elements within the film but they all exist individually. It's just a matter of pulling them all together."

Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…