2017 Marketing Awards dates announced

Get recognised by the airline network planning community and campaign to your airline partners to vote for you in the Routes Marketing Awards.

Voting for the Routes Americas Marketing Awards is just around the corner with the event taking place in just over three months time. Airports and destinations who want to be in with a chance of winning one of these highly coveted accolades, should start campaigning to their airline partners to vote for them when voting opens at the end of this month.

The voting dates for next year’s marketing awards are as follows:

The Routes Marketing Awards were created in 1997 and are voted for and judged by the airline network planning community. They present airports and tourism authorities with the opportunity to showcase their achievements and provide the airline community with the chance to have their say as to which airport they think provides the best overall marketing services to them.

All overall winners from the Regional Routes Marketing Awards will be automatically shortlisted for the World Routes Marketing Awards in Barcelona. For more information about the Routes Marketing Awards, please visit our dedicated webpage.