Bearing Specialist NTN Europe Struggles With Chaotic Steel Supply

CFM Leap 1 B
Credit: CFM

LYON—NTN Europe, a supplier specializing in bearings for programs such as the CFM Leap and the Pratt & Whitney GTF turbofans, has been facing a number of problems with its own steel suppliers, as well as hiring challenges, a company executive says.

The issues epitomize the widespread supply chain predicament that airframers and engine manufacturers have been coping with for years. It also suggests how difficult it will be to draw a line below those troubles, despite recent signs of improvement in other areas of the industry.

“Since airframers released their post-COVID production ramp-up plans, I have thought those plans were out of reach,” Michel Barria, NTN Europe’s head of sales and marketing, says. “In raw materials, we are struggling.” The steel makers—three in Europe and one in the U.S.—NTN relies on have doubled their delivery lead times, he said. When NTN sends an order, some do not even acknowledge receipt. Sometimes, they commit on a certain quantity and actually deliver one-third less than the agreed volume. Meanwhile, prices for those special steels have increased by 50%, Barria added.

In parallel, NTN is seeing some of its other suppliers suffering from a relatively weak capital base. This is the case for some specialists in surface treatment, Barria said. Combined, supply chain issues have created bottlenecks, he said.

To help solve the problem, NTN has expanded its offering in maintenance, repair and overhaul of bearings. “When new spare parts are lacking, we offer to extend the component’s life,” Barria says. “We did it successfully on the Airbus A380’s electric generator, for example.”

The company’s payroll stands at 550, including 350 employees on production lines. “We badly need 25 more employees on the production lines, we have open positions and are struggling to find the right people,” Barria said. Another 15 are being sought for support jobs such as procurement.

NTN Europe, also known as SNR and based in Argonay, France, produces bearings for turbine engines and auxiliary power units, bearings for helicopter gearboxes, blade root hinges for propellers and turbopumps for space launchers. NTN’s products are most often designed according to the customers’ requirements, under the “built-to-spec” approach, as opposed to “built-to-print,” when the supplier follows a blueprint given by the customer.

The company is preparing an investment plan, worth several dozen million euros, to expand its production facilities and modernize processes. Engine components needing a high production rate could thus benefit from a dedicated production line, Barria said.

Thierry Dubois

Thierry Dubois has specialized in aerospace journalism since 1997. An engineer in fluid dynamics from Toulouse-based Enseeiht, he covers the French commercial aviation, defense and space industries. His expertise extends to all things technology in Europe. Thierry is also the editor-in-chief of Aviation Week’s ShowNews.