Latest Analysis

May 13, 2024
As US budget carriers scramble to compete with the majors, which own 80% of the global market, is consolidation an inevitability?
May 10, 2024
Boeing’s eternal conflict pits optimistic words against delayed actions.
May 10, 2024
It seems eons ago that the term flygskam, or flight shame, entered the vocabularies of airline executives.
May 09, 2024
ERA Director General Montserrat Barriga discusses Europe’s smaller operators, which are facing supply chain problems, rule changes and new technologies.
May 02, 2024
A4E Managing Director Rania Georgoutsakou discusses Russian overflight, contrails and other challenges European airline CEOs have on their desk this summer.
May 01, 2024
How a Swedish CEO is making the difference at easyJet, one of the industry's fastest-growing LCCs.
Apr 29, 2024
European airlines, trade unions and air traffic control bodies fear that shortages of ATC capacity over the continent will continue for the foreseeable future.