Latest News & Analysis

Apr 06, 2017
Blue Origin and SpaceX's plans toward full operational reusability are not all that different.
Apr 05, 2017
Orbital ATK is stepping out of the shadows with a next-generation rocket booster.
Mar 29, 2017
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Signs point to a coming price and supply chain squeeze for the defense industry.
Jan 20, 2017
Why was the costly, low-observable aircraft employed for targets lacking sophisticated air defenses?
Jan 11, 2017
Career plans often don’t follow a planned trajectory and instead come from being in the right place, raising a hand and being flexible.
Oct 31, 2016
2016 Program Excellence Winners
Jun 29, 2016
The importance of combat aircraft within European air arms has increased in light of Russia’s aggressive stance in Ukraine and elsewhere. Over the next decade, the majority of Europe’s air arms will be reequipped or be beginning the process.
May 11, 2016
Following flight testing of a stability fix, the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) has declared complete the development of mission-system software required for U.S. Air Force initial operational capability.