Latest News & Analysis

Jan 05, 2021
The Space Development Agency has awarded SpaceX $150.4 million to launch up to 28 satellites for the Pentagon’s tracking and transport layers.
Jan 04, 2021
For the U.S. Defense Department, however, the next 12 months will form a long-awaited crucible of testing on several of the pillars of the weapon systems and rapid acquisition processes introduced by the Trump administration. 
Jan 04, 2021
Uncertainty surrounds NASA’s Artemis initiative as the new year begins.
Jan 04, 2021
COVID-19 may force companies to change their supply chains, workforces and digital resilience.
Jan 04, 2021
Providing the tools to more efficiently manage and validate airworthiness.
Dec 23, 2020
The Japanese Defense Ministry on Dec. 18 formally announced it has selected Lockheed Martin to provide “system integration support” to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in developing its F-X fighter.
Dec 18, 2020
You can make nominations now for the 2021 Program Excellence Awards. This is a program designed by industry and government program management experts…
Dec 18, 2020
Slattery wants the engine manufacturer to become more agile, is bullish about the 737 MAX and cautious for future hydrogen propulsion.