Stratolaunch’s Roc Flight Plan Accelerates Toward Talon-A Drop Test

technicians attach Talon-A to the Roc
Mounted on the 19-ft.-wide pylon beneath Roc’s midspan wing section, the Talon-A is attached via an adapter and supported by stabilizer struts. Note the tufting for flow visualization.
Credit: Domenic Moen/Stratolaunch
Almost 63 years ago, high over the Mojave Desert, the rocket-powered North American X-15 research program began to explore the previously unknown edges of the hypersonic envelope, making discoveries through much of the 1960s that helped secure U.S. aerospace leadership for the next half-century. But...
Guy Norris

Guy is a Senior Editor for Aviation Week, covering technology and propulsion. He is based in Colorado Springs.

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