Commercial Space

Jun 10, 2022
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Jun 08, 2022
The agency turns to public-private partnerships to equip Artemis spacewalkers.
May 27, 2022
The uncrewed flight test sets the stage for a shakedown flight with astronauts.
Oct 06, 2023
The 196-ft. Atlas V lifted off at 2:06 p.m. EDT on a dedicated ride for a pair of small satellites known as Kuipersat-1 and -2.
Oct 06, 2023
Japan’s space startups—and their U.S. subsidiaries—are playing a prominent role in several U.S. Space Force and NASA missions.
Oct 05, 2023
Following a short-lived debut flight on April 20, an upgraded Starship-Super Heavy vehicle is being prepared for launch.
Oct 05, 2023
Achieving essential soft landings on the Moon with precision is proving to be a challenge.
Oct 04, 2023
Northrop was one of four teams to win NASA funding for early development of commercial LEO platforms.
Oct 03, 2023
The FCC for the first time has imposed a fine on a satellite operator for failing to properly deorbit a satellite.
Oct 02, 2023
Astroscale Japan has received an $80 million grant from the Japanese government to “image and diagnose” a large, defunct satellite.
Sep 28, 2023
Ispace technologies U.S. has unveiled a redesigned Series 2 lunar lander renamed the APEX 1.0.