Italian Production Beckons For Swiss-rooted Kopter

Kopter Prototype 3
In addition to the extended main rotor mast, Kopter has made some aerodynamic changes around the rear of the cowling and the height of the vertical stabilizer of Prototype 3. Additional flight-test aircraft are expected to follow later this year.
Credit: Kurt Kolb via Kopter
Under the new ownership of Leonardo Helicopters, Kopter’s SH09 is inching its way toward market entry. The Swiss-developed single-engine light helicopter has faced more than its fair share of drama, even discounting the COVID-19 pandemic. Kopter has had to overcome struggles with its supply chain...
Tony Osborne

Based in London, Tony covers European defense programs. Prior to joining Aviation Week in November 2012, Tony was at Shephard Media Group where he was deputy editor for Rotorhub and Defence Helicopter magazines.

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