Embraer Aims To Revitalize Regional Aviation With Sustainable Aircraft

Embraer hybrid-electric E9-HE concept
The E9-HE, a hybrid-electric nine-seater with 500-nm range, could be ready first—by 2030.
Credit: Embraer Concept
For Embraer, a digitalization trend that should enable more people to live and work away from major cities could see the company return to its roots in small regional airliners. Embraer reveals Energia family of sustainable aircraft concepts Plans range from hybrid and fully electric to hydrogen...
Jens Flottau

Based in Frankfurt, Germany, Jens is executive editor and leads Aviation Week Network’s global team of journalists covering commercial aviation.

Graham Warwick

Graham leads Aviation Week's coverage of technology, focusing on engineering and technology across the aerospace industry, with a special focus on identifying technologies of strategic importance to aviation, aerospace and defense.

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