Ukraine war

War in Ukraine

By Tony Osborne
Slovakia has begun seeking a ground-based air and missile defense capability to replace Soviet-era systems.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Tony Osborne
A Russian Air Force Ilyushin Il-22M airborne command post was among several military aircraft shot down June 24.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
The U.S. manufacturer of MQ-9 Reapers has renewed its campaign to get the Biden administration to support transfers of the UAS to Ukraine.
Paris Air Show

By Brian Everstine
A group of U.S. lawmakers will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron to urge France to increase its support for Ukraine.
Paris Air Show

By Tony Osborne
Germany’s labored defense modernization contrasts dramatically with neighboring Poland’s lavish spending, but why are nations struggling to spend the money?
Paris Air Show

By Tony Osborne
Training of Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 combat aircraft could get underway in the coming months.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
Ukrainian success in fending off Russia’s invasion is changing Western allies’ policy about supplying fighters.
Paris Air Show

By Tony Osborne
Hungary has joined the Czech Republic and Poland in the protection of Slovakia’s airspace.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
The defense cooperation mechanisms of the European Union and European Commission appear to be driving nations to cooperate more closely.
Paris Air Show

By Jens Flottau, Tony Osborne
Airbus has begun work on a next-generation aircraft to enter service in 2035, opting for a novel architecture that may enable use of open-rotor engines.
Paris Air Show

By Brian Everstine
The Pentagon on June 13 announced a new batch of aid being surged to Ukraine.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Helen Massy-Beresford
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and airspace closures are having long-term effects on the networks of European carriers.
Paris Air Show

By Matthew Fulco
Onshoring semiconductor manufacturing could boost supply chain resilience for national security, but it is easier said than done.
Paris Air Show

By Tony Osborne
Eric Beranger talks to Aviation Week about how the company is adapting to customer demands for more stocks and nimbler development cycles.
Paris Air Show

By Steve Trimble
The seizure and aid package was announced on June 10 by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a surprise visit to Kyiv.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The Pentagon has announced a major new influx of military aid for Ukraine, ordering about $2.1 billion in equipment to bolster the nation’s air defenses.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Jen DiMascio
Lockheed’s tanker engine choice; Iran claims it has hypersonic missile; Japan awards warship contract; Poland’s first FA-50.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
USAF: Ukraine has been able to effectively use donated air-defense systems in an agile way to deny Russian air superiority during Moscow’s invasion.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
The 34 F-16s were included in a potential 40-aircraft sale announced by the Netherlands to contract air services provider Draken International in 2021.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
“I am very happy with the information I received from some countries. It was a serious, powerful offer,” Zelenskyy said.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Michael Schoellhorn talks with Aviation Week about the rapidly changing face of Europe’s security requirements.
Budget, Policy & Operations

Readers write about nuclear warhead use, gun-launched smallsats, Ukraine lessons and The Mars Project. Plus: Behind the Scenes with Boeing Defense’s CEO.
Aviation Week & Space Technology

By Tony Osborne
Macron said Russia’s noncompliance with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and its suspension of the New START Treaty could leave Europe “naked."
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
The Pentagon on May 31 announced a new batch of aid for Ukraine.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
Denmark and the Netherlands will lead a group effort to train Ukrainian pilots on Lockheed Martin F-16s following a green light from the U.S.
Budget, Policy & Operations