
Aviation Week Network Staff
Operations at Moscow’s Vnukovo International Airport were interrupted for about 3 hr. in the early morning of July 4 after an attack by uncrewed aircraft.
Airports & Networks

Aviation Week Network Staff
Russia’s major commercial international airshow MAKS will not open its gates in Zhukovsky, near Moscow, on July 25-30 as previously scheduled.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The White House is surging another $500 million in military equipment to Ukraine amid its ongoing counteroffensive.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
Imagery published on social media has confirmed that a Russian Air Force Ilyushin Il-22M airborne command post was among several military aircraft shot down.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
Slovakia has begun seeking a ground-based air and missile defense capability to replace Soviet-era systems.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Brian Everstine
German and U.S. Air National Guard-led Air Defender 2023 brought together about 200 aircraft for two weeks, practicing destruction of surface-to-air missiles.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Mark Carreau
The 43-ft.-long Zvezda was launched in July 2000.

By Chen Chuanren
After years of neglect, the service sees movement toward modernization.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Mark Carreau
Astronauts and cosmonauts from four countries are to launch to the ISS in mid-August aboard SpaceX’s seventh NASA-contracted Crew Dragon mission.

Aviation Week Network Staff
Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation has rolled out the first flight prototype of SSJ-New, an import-substituted version of Superjet 100 regional jet.
Aircraft & Propulsion

Aviation Week Network Staff
GTLK says the court-ordered liquidation of its Dublin-based subsidiaries will not seriously affect the financial stability of its business.
Airlines & Lessors

By David Casey
Air India CEO Campbell Wilson has defended the airline’s use of Russian airspace, highlighting the economic and social benefits that its flights bring.
On Location

Aviation Week Network Staff
Aeroflot has selected a local supplier to provide an MRO software solution for its fleet, replacing the Swiss-AS AMOS it currently uses.
Maintenance & Training

By Steve Trimble
The move creates a new hurdle to enforcement of the current treaty, as well as completing negotiations to extend the agreement beyond 2026.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Air Force should return to its Cold War-era practice of flying a nuclear command post 24/7, a key lawmaker argues.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
Macron said Russia’s noncompliance with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and its suspension of the New START Treaty could leave Europe “naked."
Budget, Policy & Operations

Aviation Week Staff
Russia’s Roscosmos has added radar observation capabilities to its Earth-monitoring constellation with a launch of the Kondor-FKA satellite.

Aviation Week Network Staff
Two Ireland-based subsidiaries of Russia’s largest leasing group are trying to avoid liquidation with a last-minute application for examinership.
Airlines & Lessors

Aviation Week Network Staff
Russia’s biennial MAKS airshow will not take place as planned for the first time in the event’s 30-year history.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Mark Carreau
Russia’s MS-23 Progress resupply mission spacecraft autonomously docked to the Russian segment of the International Space Station at midday May 24.

Aviation Week Staff
Russia’s largest helicopter operator, Utair Group, may ground 30% of its fleet this year due to a shortage of spare parts and components, the firm's CEO says.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
Ukraine on May 16 again claimed it had downed a round of Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missiles.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Mark Carreau
Sergey Prokopyev and Dmetri Petelin deployed and activated a radiator moved from the Rassvet module to Nauka during an April excursion.

By Steve Trimble
Lockheed Martin announced a week after the Kinzhal shoot down that Germany’s PAC-3 MSE/launcher combination remained in operational testing on May 4.
Missile Defense & Weapons

Aviation Week Network Staff
Russian President Vladimir Putin lifted the ban on flights to Georgia in place since July 2019 after protests in Tbilisi, but sanctions may limit services.
Airports & Networks