
By Mark Carreau
The leak aboard Progress MS-21, dubbed Progress 82 by NASA, follows a similar coolant leak detected late Dec. 14 aboard the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft.

Aviation Week Staff
Roscosmos said the DM-03 booster separated from the Proton’s third stage about 9 min. after launch.

By Thierry Dubois
Despite technical glitches, Ariane 6’s final test campaign is now well underway.

Aviation Week Staff
The spacecraft arrived at Russia’s Baikonur spaceport in Kazakhstan at the end of December.

By Mark Carreau
A U.S. astronaut’s seat liner will be moved from the damaged Russian MS-22 capsule to the SpaceX Endurance Crew Dragon capsule in case of emergency.

By Irene Klotz
The next Soyuz spacecraft, designated MS-23, will launch uncrewed on Feb. 20.

Aviation Week Staff
Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin has again threatened that Russia could withdraw from the International Space Station if Western countries don’t lift
Space Symposium

By Mark Carreau
NASA and Roscosmos continue to pursue an astronaut/cosmonaut crew exchange agreement for Soyuz and NASA Commercial Crew launches to the International Space Station.

By Mark Carreau
The data will assist with understanding how spaceflight affects human physical and mental health.
Commercial Space

By Mark Carreau
NASA management disagrees with a conclusion reached by the agency’s inspector general (IG) in a report issued Nov. 30.

By Mark Carreau
NASA and Russian federal space agency Roscosmos are assembling teams of experts to assess the unanticipated thruster firings of Russia’s Nauka module following its docking with the International Space Station.

By Maxim Pyadushkin
Launch of the long-delayed Nauka was planned for July 15, but technical issues have pushed back the launch.

By Maxim Pyadushkin
The head of Russia’s Roscosmos State Corp., Dmitry Rogozin, has proposed creating a legal responsibility for leaving debris in orbit.

By Maxim Pyadushkin
Russia has successfully orbited the first Arktika-M hydrometeorological satellite that will boost its weather monitoring capabilities in the Arctic region.

By Maxim Pyadushkin
Russia intends to accelerate launch trials for its new Angara rockets.

By Maxim Pyadushkin
Russia wants to renew its space tourism activities by offering dedicated commercial missions to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard Soyuz rockets.
Commercial Space

By Maxim Pyadushkin
Russia has pushed back the expansion of its segment of the International Space Station (ISS).

By Maxim Pyadushkin
Universal rocket modules for the Angara A5 heavy launch vehicle have been sent by train to the Plesetsk military spaceport in preparation for the rocket family's first liftoff since 2014.