Lockheed Martin F-35

By Steve Trimble
A sources sought notice published on Sept. 19 calls for responses for a Long Range Attack Munition that can be purchased in fiscal 2025 and fielded in 2027.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Tony Osborne
British Eurofighter Typhoons and Norwegian Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters have performed their first landings and takeoffs from road runways.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble, Brian Everstine
The roughly 28-hr. search for the Lockheed Martin-made stealth fighter included an unusual request to the public for any tips.
Defense and Space

By Tony Osborne
Speaking on Poland’s Radio dla Ciebie Sept. 14, Mariusz Błaszczak says the country still has a shortfall in combat aircraft.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Four Lockheed Martin F-35s landed at Denmark's Skrydstrup air base shortly after 2 p.m. on Sept. 14.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
The U.S. government has cleared South Korea to move forward with a previously approved plan to buy a second batch of Lockheed Martin F-35As.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
The Czech Republic has claimed that acquiring and operating Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will be cheaper than operating Saab’s Gripen E.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
The Danish government has expressed frustration over mounting delays in the arrival of Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
A fixed-wing uncrewed air system has completed the first landings and takeoffs from the UK’s Prince of Wales aircraft carriers.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
Requirements for the service’s T-45 replacement would likely mean more engineering work for existing competitors.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
Lockheed has further delayed delivery of the first F-35 upgraded with new avionics, to the second quarter of 2024, adding to a backlog of deferred shipments.
Supply Chain

By Steve Trimble
The proposed Skunk Works tool—an F-35-mounted autonomous processing node—connect to the less-intelligent CCAs during a mission.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Tony Osborne
The 65,000-ton HMS Prince of Wales is set to embark several Lockheed Martin F-35s later this month for the third round of development testing with the aircraft.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Chen Chuanren
The U.S. DSCA says Japan's package includes 50 JASSM-ER missiles, JASSM Anti-Jam Global Positioning System Receivers (JAGR) and relevant support systems.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Chen Chuanren
Taiwan’s defense urges its government to approve quickly and fund a domestically developed Advanced Defense Fighter, which it says could unlock access to F-35s.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps have seen their rates of series aircraft incidents decrease but the cost for each mishap has risen significantly.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has dampened expectations over a potential transfer of Gripen fighters to Ukraine.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
An aircraft carrier accident report concludes that the UK’s first F-35 squadron was not ready for its 2021 Indo-Pacific deployment.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Chen Chuanren
Japan reportedly aims to deepen cooperation with the Italian Air Force, as well as acquire knowledge of F-35 operations.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
Danish F-35s will land in Denmark for the first time on Oct. 1.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
The long-awaited report into the loss of F-35B ZM152 makes 46 recommendations to the joint Royal Navy-Royal Air Force organization operating the F-35.
Budget, Policy & Operations

Readers write about the Electra.aero Goldfinch, F-35 engine upgrade, Material Review Board related to the Boeing 787 program and new-start U.S. airlines.

By Tony Osborne
Current plans call for the first Romanian F-35s to be delivered by Lockheed Martin in 2030 to replace the country’s F-16 fleet.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The next increment of OASuW is the Hypersonic Air-Launched Offensive (HALO) weapon, first disclosed in a budget request in 2022 with prototypes expected this year.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Brian Everstine
Rather than proceeding with a new F-35 engine, the service is using remaining Adaptive Engine Transition Program funds for sixth-generation development.
Budget, Policy & Operations