Lockheed Martin F-35

By Joe Anselmo, Guy Norris
In a wide-ranging interview, Culp talks about the new company’s future and says he has no interest in taking his turnaround skills to Boeing.
Manufacturing & Supply Chain

By Matthew Fulco
The U.S. is marshaling unprecedented resources to shore up its chipmaking capabilities. Results thus far are mixed.
Manufacturing & Supply Chain

By Matthew Fulco
The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act directed the secretary of defense to secure critical minerals from “reliable sources.”
Budget, Policy & Operations

Readers write about the F-35 cooling system, the Boeing 737-9 door plug accident, an out-of-date photo, and U.S. Army and Air Force acquisition teams.
Aviation Week & Space Technology

By Graham Warwick
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble, Brian Everstine
Facing a reduction to its expected budget next year, the military cuts back on near-term aircraft procurement.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Air Force’s Strike Eagles use new tech and training to focus on the Indo-Pacific after decades in the desert.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
Swiss commanders have outlined plans to retire the Northrop F-5 Tiger combat aircraft in 2027, bringing to an end its famous international aerobatic team, the Patrouille Suisse.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
The U.S. has approved Poland’s purchase of more than 800 air-launched cruise missiles as part of a buildup of the country’s weapons stocks.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Steve Trimble
The decision certifies that the F-35 has passed the initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) phase and is ready to advance toward peak production levels.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Anna Sliwon-Stewart
In response to the rapidly changing strategic environment in the region, the Royal Thai Air Force has released an updated White Paper outlining investment priorities through 2037.
AWIN Knowledge Center

By Tony Osborne
Denmark is considering repatriating some of its F-35 Joint Strike Fighters currently used for pilot training in the U.S.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Navy will see its total aircraft procurement dip in fiscal 2025 compared to the previous year’s request.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
The Pentagon on March 11 rolled out its $849.8 billion budget request for 2025.
Budget, Policy & Operations

For more information about Aviation Week Intelligence Network’s (AWIN) 2024 Military Fleet & MRO Forecast and other Aviation Week data products, please see: https://pgs.aviationweek.com/forecast
AWIN Knowledge Center

By Graham Warwick
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps will reduce its buy of Lockheed Martin F-35s in the soon-to-be-released fiscal 2025 budget request.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
The USAF may have to convert some F-35s with outdated avionics to combat roles due to the ongoing, “deeply concerning” delays with software certification.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Chen Chuanren
The U.S. Air Force is putting its Lockheed Martin F-35A through its paces in the type’s most complex deployment to the Asia Pacific.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
The country’s ministers, engineers and industry leaders have waited almost 14 years for the 13-min. first flight of the prototype Kaan on Feb. 21.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Kevin Michaels
Every dollar of aircraft production underpins at least another dollar of supplier activity in all tiers.
Manufacturing & Supply Chain

By Chen Chuanren
Singapore will buy eight Lockheed Martin F-35A, making the RSAF one of only a handful of air arms to operate a mixed fleet of F-35A and F-35B.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
The use of uncrewed systems by Ukraine is inspiring nations including the UK to make major investments in drone capabilities.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
Ukraine will begin receiving F-16 combat aircraft this summer, the Danish government has announced.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Air Force is finally nearly ready to start flight testing a communications pod for the Boeing KC-46 Pegasus.
Aircraft & Propulsion