Air Transport

By Jens Flottau
The Oct. 31 crash of Metrojet flight 9268 was only the third hull loss of an Airbus A321-200 and the worst accident so far involving the type.
Air Transport

By Jens Flottau
The airline also strongly rejected claims by Delta that the U.S. airline was forced to drop the service because of competition with government-subsidized airlines from the Gulf, saying Delta’s statement was “disingenuous.”
Air Transport

By Bradley Perrett
The carrier has applied to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) to operate the Las Vegas service three-times weekly with 787s.
Air Transport

The robust results could make it more challenging for management to convince employees to make further savings, CFO Pierre-Francois Riolacci reckoned during an Oct. 29 call with analysts.
Air Transport

Air France-KLM has lowered its full-year unit cost-reduction target while warning about sustained unit revenue pressure.
Air Transport

Virgin America continues to outpace most domestic rivals on unit revenue, but executives said on Oct. 29 that the carrier is observing weakness in four different areas: most markets from Dallas Love Field; West Coast routes to Chicago; transcontinental routes; and all flights between Los Angeles and South Florida.
Air Transport

By Bradley Perrett
Comac says it will roll out the first C919 narrowbody airliner on Nov. 2.
Air Transport

By Bradley Perrett
Hainan Airlines has proposed to open service between Las Vegas and Beijing in September 2016, while also adding Tel Aviv to its network in April.
Air Transport

By Jen DiMascio
Boehner departure allows budget deal, new Speaker Ryan brings hope of end to fiscal cliffhangers; Ex-Im Bank reauthorization awaits Senate action.
Air Transport

The U.S. may be behind Europe in deploying remote tower technologies, but momentum is building based on incubator projects at general aviation airports.
Air Transport

By Graham Warwick
Europe’s aviation leaders will adapt the region’s research agenda to address the rapid emergence of unmanned aircraft, electric propulsion, cybersecurity and other technologies.
Air Transport

By Tony Osborne
Lack of cockpit voice and flight-data recordings hinder Glasgow helicopter probe.
Business Aviation

By Jens Flottau
On many issues, Delta has been either on the opposite side of Airlines for America (A4A), or A4A has not taken a side on issues important to Delta.
Air Transport

By Graham Warwick
As liquidity concerns again raise their head because of the rate at which Bombardier is burning cash on aircraft development, C Series gets a lifeline from the Quebec government, and Learjet 85 is canceled.
Air Transport

This has nothing to do with market access and everything to do with sidestepping strong labor laws.
Air Transport

By Jens Flottau
Lufthansa says it is seeing real benefits to recent product upgrades made, particularly in premium cabins—but despite these efforts, yields continue to decline.
Air Transport

By Guy Norris
Boeing is poised to mount the first CFM Leap-1B engine on the wing of the initial 737 MAX test aircraft, in preparation for the aircraft’s December rollout.
Air Transport

By Adrian Schofield
AirAsia is finalizing plans to enter the Japanese market early next year, adding new competition for the country’s LCCs as they continue to expand their domestic and international networks.
Air Transport

By Bradley Perrett
China’s government has signed a preliminary agreement to buy an unexpectedly large quantity of Airbus A320-family aircraft, while also confirming an order for 30 A330s.
Air Transport

SkyWest Inc. is seeking the extension of flying contracts for its ExpressJet operation, which have been a drag on the company’s earnings since SkyWest acquired the regional carrier in late 2010.
Air Transport

By Graham Warwick
A $1 billion investment from the government of Quebec will give Bombardier the cash to take the C Series through certification to full production.
Air Transport

A main challenge was the Mexican peso, which decreased against the U.S. dollar by 25.4%, compared to the same period last year.
Air Transport

U.S. carriers are sticking with industry trade group Airlines for America (A4A), despite Delta Air Lines’ surprising announcement that it will leave the association next year.
Air Transport

By Adrian Schofield
Continuing growth in its international operations drove a strong profit boost for All Nippon Airways (ANA) in the six months through Sept. 30, despite increasing pressure on its domestic and cargo sectors.
Air Transport

A large bipartisan majority in the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to reauthorize the U.S. Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im), and the bank’s future now sits in the hands of the U.S. Senate.
Air Transport