Making its international airshow debut at Dubai, Boeing’s first 777-9 is open to visitors and appearing in the flying display. The aircraft, which made its first flight from the company’s Everett, Washington production facility in January 2020, is one of four in the test program which has so far amassed 1,700 flight hours over 600 sorties. Following its appearance at Dubai the aircraft is expected to travel back to the U.S. via Qatar and Germany for customer demonstrations.
Making its international airshow debut at Dubai, Boeing’s first 777-9 is open to visitors and appearing in the flying display. The aircraft, which made its first flight from the company’s Everett, Washington production facility in January 2020, is one of four in the test program which has so far amassed 1,700 flight hours over 600 sorties. Following its appearance at Dubai the aircraft is expected to travel back to the U.S. via Qatar and Germany for customer demonstrations.