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Nov 08, 2015
Despite U.S. efforts to integrate missile defenses, Gulf countries buy their own point-defense systems.
Nov 08, 2015
Satair Group is expanding its 3,700-square-meter facility in Dubai by 800 square meters to increase capacity to support aircraft operators in the region.
Nov 08, 2015
Lockheed Martin could offer Turkey’s Stand-Off Missile as a weapon for U.S. Air Force and Navy F-35s, after signing a deal with a Turkish manufacturer to develop the weapon.
Nov 08, 2015
Emirates wants more airline operational data for the Airbus A350 before making a decision about an order for the type, or for more Boeing 787s, the airline's President Tim Clark said at the Dubai Air Show.
Nov 08, 2015
As combat aviation evolves, the plethora of sensors and subsystems fielded on individual platforms increases. Today's fighter jets carry more ISR capabilities than specialist recce platforms of the past, while gesture- or voice-controlled cockpits are no longer the preserve of science fiction.
Nov 08, 2015
The ‘Spirit of the Emirates’ project would see a fleet of three Zeppelin NT airships carrying paying passengers on flights of between 30 minutes and three hours.
Nov 08, 2015
As missile technology improves, the challenge of seeing the threat requires new thinking. Overlaying complementary sensor capabilities can help maintain coverage, while interoperability between allies will reinforce the defensive posture.
Nov 08, 2015
AVIC is displaying a model of the FC-31 outside China for the first time and stated it has plans to fly a production version of the fifth-generation fighter by 2019.