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Nov 02, 2016
Read very carefully, and evidence will be found below that something is happening in the personal jets world – but with agonizing slowness. Last year’s trio are still there, but nobody is rushing to join them.
Nov 02, 2016
HondaJet was signed-off by the FAA a few weeks after the last NBAA Convention and is now in customers’ hands. Pilatus and SyberJet continue to progress, while the long-lost VisionAire Vantage returns to the limelight in search of funding.
Nov 02, 2016
EASA and the FAA inked their rubber stamps for the Dassault Falcon 8X’s benefit in June, leaving only the delayed Bombardier twins awaiting joining instructions for this circuit of the market.
Nov 02, 2016
Welcome back, old friends. Four additions to this review since the last NBAA Convention are relaunched projects that more-or-less failed first time round and have been dusted-off for a second outing.
Nov 01, 2016
Whoosh! It took a little more than one hour of test flight to convince us that Phenom 100 EV, short for “Evolution,” finally has shed the original Phenom 100’s matronly image.
Nov 01, 2016
Bolstered by the selection of its Silvercrest mid-thrust turbofan for Cessna’s newly launched Hemisphere business jet, Safran Aircraft Engines has detailed a revised development schedule incorporating improvements made to counter problems uncovered in early tests.
Nov 01, 2016
UK-based Gama Aviation continues to expand, adding a new maintenance base in Massachusetts and adding aircraft, including turboprops and jets, to the Wheels Up fleet, which accounts for most of its U.S. operations.
Nov 01, 2016
Business aircraft owners often fly smaller, older or less capable aircraft than they’d like because they aren’t flying enough or can’t afford to buy their ideal aircraft.