Poll: What will be the biggest impact to the leased aircraft fleet due to COVID-19?

As airlines park aircraft and defer maintenance, almost all sections of the aftermarket are set to take a hit.

However, once passenger demand does start returning, some sections will start recovering quicker than others.

Costly engine overhauls, for example, are likely to be delayed as long as possible. In their place, airlines will make greater use of on-wing services, mobile repairs and spare engines, which would be good news for engine lessors such as FTAI Aviation, Engine Lease Finance and Willis Lease Finance, but less so for some MRO providers.  

Vote below to have your say. This is an interactive poll, please allow some time to load. 

Read the full article - How Will Engine Leasing Change Post-COVID-19?

This poll was posed to the audience in the latest MRO webinar, Assessing the Challenges of Lease Returns. Find out what the expert panel had to say in the full recording. 

To share your views on other areas of the aftermarket, take a look at the previous weekly MRO polls here.