The Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia has issued airworthiness bulletin 01-036 Issue 1 on suspected unapproved parts for McCauley propeller governor’s idler gear bearings.
EASA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-0180 for Airbus A320 family, amending time limits and maintenance checks for airworthiness limitations section part 3, effective September 10, 2018.
EASA has issued proposed airworthiness directive 18-119 for CFM LEAP 1s, requiring replacement of full authority digital electronic control software, effective 14 days after airworthiness directive is issued.
EASA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-0184 for ATR-72s, amending time limits and maintenance under certification maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations, effective September 11, 2018.
EASA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-0185 for Rolls-Royce Trent 900s, requiring inspection and replacement of drains mast, effective September 12, 2018.
EASA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-0187 for Saab 2000s, requiring functional check of fuel quantity reading probes and low level sensors, effective September 12, 2018.
EASA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-0189 for Airbus A320 family, amending back up speed scale in aircraft flight manual, effective September 13, 2018.
EASA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-0188 for certain Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 700s, requiring inspection and replacement of low pressure compressor blades, effective September 13, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-14-10 for certain Pratt & Whitney PW2037s, PW2037Ms and PW2040s, requiring installing a software standard eligible for installation and precluding the use of EEC software standards earlier than SCN 5B/I or SCN 27A, effective September 28, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-17-22 for certain Airbus A319-115s and -132s, A320-214s, -216s, -232s and -233s, requiring modification of the fuel level sensing control unit wiring, effective October 4, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-15-04 for certain GE CF6-80As, CF6-80A1s, CF6-80A2s, CF6-80A3s, CF6-80C2A1s, CF6-80C2A2s, CF6-80C2A3s, CF6-80C2A5s, CF6-80C2A5Fs, CF6-80C2A8s, CF6-80C2B1s, CF6-80C2B1Fs, CF6-80C2B2s, CF6-80C2B2Fs, CF6-80C2B4s, CF6-80C2B4Fs, CF6-80C2B5Fs, CF6-80C2B6s, CF6-80C2B6Fs, CF6-80C2B6FAs, CF6-80C2B7Fs, CF6-80C2D1Fs, CF6-80C2L1Fs and CF6-80C2K1Fs, requiring ultrasonic inspection of high pressure turbine stage 1 and 2 disks, effective October 2, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-17-17 for certain BombardierDHC-8-400s, requiring a revision to the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to include an inspection of the windshield moisture seal for signs of cracks, erosion, wear and other deterioration; doing that inspection and repair if necessary; and re-torqueing the screws that fasten the windshield heater terminal lugs and applying sealant to the screw heads of the windshield heaters, effective October 2, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-17-16 for all Airbus A300s, A300 B4-600s, B4-600Rs and F4-600Rs and A300 C4-605R Variant Fs and A310s, requiring an inspection to determine whether repair or damage to certain wing areas is beyond the allowable limits; and repair if necessary, effective October 2, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-17-20 for certain Boeing 727s, requiring revising the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate the latest revision of the airworthiness limitations, effective October 4, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-17-23 for all Boeing 737-100s, -200s, -200Cs, -300s, -400s and -500s, requiring at certain locations repetitive high frequency eddy current inspections of the number 3 windshield assembly, aft sill web, and applicable on-condition actions, effective October 4, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-18-04 for certain Airbus A350-941s and -1041s, requiring an inspection for the presence of protective caps on fire extinguishing lines, and corrective action, effective September 14, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-17-21 for certain Airbus A318s, A319s and A320s, A321-111s, -112s, -131s, -211s, -212s, -213s, -231s, -232s, -251Ns, -253Ns and -271Ns, requiring revising the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate revised fuel airworthiness limitations, effective October 4, 2018.
FAA has issued suspected unapproved parts notification 2018-20171027020 for Boeing Model A75 wing repair ribs and stringer segments manufactured by Dusters and Sprayers Supply of Chickasha, Oklahoma.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-18-05 for certain ATR42-200s, -300s and -320s, requiring updating the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new or more restrictive maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations, effective October 5, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-17-18 for certain Airbus A330-200s, A330-200 Freighters, and A330-300s, requiring replacement or modification of two flight warning computers, effective October 5, 2018.
FAA has issued airworthiness directive 2018-17-19 for certain Airbus A318s, A319s and A320s and A321-111s, -112s, -131s, -211s, -212s, -213s, -231s, -232s, -251Ns, -253Ns and -271Ns, requiring revising the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate specified maintenance requirements and airworthiness limitations, effective October 5, 2018.