Data Tool: Engine MRO Demand in North America, 2023-32

Credit: Rolls-Royce

Aviation Week’s 2023 Commercial Fleet & MRO Forecast predicts that commercial MRO demand in North America will represent a value of $233.7 billion for the period 2023-32. 

Aviation Week’s data shows that engine maintenance work has the highest share of this at 41%, around $96.4 billion of the total MRO demand in the region. Line maintenance and components account for 23% and 24%, respectively, while modifications and airframe heavy will see demand of around $14 billion and $13 billion, respectively. 
It is forecast that North America will see a total demand of approximately 22,424 engine overhaul shop visits and 6,567 engine life-limited parts (LLP) events for the period of 2023-32. 

The data below illustrates the decline in engine maintenance demand in 2026. Beyond then, there will be a steady demand for engine maintenance in the region. 

Source: Aviation Week Intelligence Network Commercial Aviation 2023 Fleet & MRO Forecast

Prachi Patel

Prachi Patel is a London-based Associate Editor for Aviation Week's MRO editorial team. She writes news articles and designs data infographics for Aviation Week's commercial aftermarket output.