VIDEO LEARNING: Navigating Tough Deployments: How to Manage EFB (and Other Tech) Rollouts the Right Way

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Global technology deployments are notoriously tricky. And trickier still when your employees are always in-flight. Literally. That is exactly the situation that United Airlines faced when recently upgrading to their new 5G electronic flight bags. Join us for this event where we will explore why United Airlines saw it necessary to take on such a challenge, how working with T-Mobile for Business made the task successful, what lessons were learned, and how United has benefited from the result. This will be a valuable conversation for anyone that works with EFBs or is looking to learn about largescale above-the-wing deployments.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Learn how United Airlines identified EFBs as an area where new technology would add value.
  • Discover strategies United Airlines and T-Mobile for Business leveraged for a successful outcome.
  • Understand what lessons were learned from this large-scale global technology deployment.
  • Hear about the benefits United is realizing with 5G-enabled EFBs to improve safety, add resilience, and increase customer satisfaction.




Nathan Forster
Head of Transportation Marketing - T-Mobile for Business

Hank Searfus
Staff Representative, Flight Operations Technology Content and Advanced Development - United Airlines

Ed Hazelwood - Moderator
Aviation Week Contributor


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