Sensors & Electronic Warfare Analysis

Nov 18, 2020
CAE will supply the six MAD-Expanded Response (MAD-XR) sensors to Lockheed Martin for integration on the MH-60Rs during Phase 1 of the program. 
Nov 17, 2020
The Legion-Embedded System pod has been ordered by an undisclosed F-16 Block 70/72 customer and is available for delivery by new operators starting in 2023.
Nov 16, 2020
Historically, the ultimate cat-and-mouse game of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) is associated with acoustic technology, with the classic sonar “pings” emitted from an enemy’s vessels or sonobuoys even becoming plot devices of Hollywood films.  As the tell-tale plankton of Gibraltar shows, however, the ASW community has always had other ways to detect submarines. 
Nov 13, 2020
The U.S. intelligence community recently held a meeting with the military services and combat support agencies to discuss Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2), ensuring that each organization is on the same page, the head of naval intelligence says.
Nov 10, 2020
The share price of Italian aerospace and defense firm Leonardo has jumped after the company revealed it is mulling a partial spinoff of its U.S.-based Leonardo DRS defense electronics business.
Nov 06, 2020
The U.S. Army has completed a precision navigation, and timing assessment exercise informing requirements development that will eventually be integrated into Project Convergence.
Nov 05, 2020
Raptor Scientific, a new portfolio company by investment firm L Squared Capital Partners that is seeking to roll up aerospace and defense testing and measurement assets, has bought radar cross-section specialist Sensor Concepts, representatives said Nov. 5.
Nov 05, 2020
The Army has not set requirements for the ALE family, but a table of “example excursions” included in the 33-page solicitation offers a glimpse of possible capabilities.