Sensors & Electronic Warfare Analysis

Dec 07, 2020
NATO’s new Alliance Ground Surveillance Force (NAGSF) has taken another step toward front-line operation with the transfer in ownership of assets.
Dec 03, 2020
A request for information published on Dec. 2 by the U.S. Army’s product manager for Enhanced Radar, Optics and Sensors seeks payloads that can be integrated in time for the MQ-1C to participate in a Joint All-Domain Operations demonstration event.
Dec 02, 2020
High altitude balloons, also known as stratollites, and unattended ocean sensors are among the candidates to augment a handful of intelligence-gathering aircraft.
Dec 01, 2020
Workers at Boeing’s complex in St. Louis, Missouri are now assembling the weapons systems trainer and the operational flight trainer, which are scheduled for delivery to the U.S. Air Force in 2023.
Nov 30, 2020
Defense officials have said UK plans to develop a laser directed energy weapon are “on-track” despite the program suffering a year-long delay.
Nov 25, 2020
Engineering and government professional services provider Jacobs has acquired cyber and artificial intelligence specialist The Buffalo Group to bolster its offerings to the U.S. intelligence community and military.
Nov 23, 2020
A $350 million investment since 2017 in test and evaluation infrastructure for hypersonic systems has sat mostly dormant, but is about to get its first test.
Nov 23, 2020
Defense electronics companies in France, Germany and Spain have begun developing distributed sensors for the European Future Combat Air System.