Sensors & Electronic Warfare Analysis

Jan 30, 2020
How will U.S. refuel aircraft?; Poland set to sign for F-35s; Raytheon’s new missile-warning data contract; Russia to export the Mi-38.
Jan 29, 2020
The signature disruption at the second-busiest UK airport has made the business case for installing counter-drone systems.
Jan 28, 2020
How the U.S. Air Force plans to disrupt command and control, military acquisition and the industrial base with ABMS.
Jan 28, 2020
The city-state’s air bases are increasingly vulnerable. It obviously sees STOVL as an answer.
Jan 24, 2020
Israel’s precision weapons are sold all over the world, but struggled to break into world’s most lucrative market until recently
Apr 05, 2023
The ALQ-249 replaces one of the three ALQ-99 tactical jamming system pods now used by the EA-18G.
Apr 04, 2023
The Joint Staff last year accepted a plan to cut the program of record for the MQ-4C by 46 aircraft, limiting orbits to the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf regions.
Apr 04, 2023
Japan has already sold the MELCO-built J/FPS-3ME air surveillance radar system to the Philippines.
Mar 31, 2023
The Multi-Domain Operations Radar for Air-Launched Effects (ALE) has entered the competitive phase of the acquisition process.
Mar 31, 2023
When the U.S. Space Development Agency’s first ten satellites become operational, it will mark the start of a massive change in the Pentagon’s architecture.
Mar 29, 2023
The U.S. Air Force wants to cancel an electronic-warfare upgrade for its F-16 fleet to prioritize next-generation aircraft.
Mar 29, 2023
Airbus announced it will not acquire a stake in Evidian, a cybersecurity business under French information technology company Atos.
Mar 28, 2023
The Pentagon's announcement of the $15.5 million contract for two XQ-58 Valkyries for the Marines does not clarify how they will be used.