Sensors & Electronic Warfare Analysis

Nov 10, 2020
SDA director Derek Tournear joins Aviation Week editors on Check 6 to discuss how its system of space tracking and transport satellites will revolutionize the U.S. military and the challenges it will face along the way.
Nov 10, 2020
New testing shows that a 20-year-old concept can double the radiated power of future airborne early warning radars.
Oct 29, 2020
What’s next for U.S. Air Force tankers; Ecuador receives H145s; continued F-35 delays; and unmanned teaming for Wildcat.
Oct 27, 2020
The Oct. 12 launch of the Gaofen-13 satellite highlights China’s growing reconnaissance-strike complex from space.
Oct 23, 2020
Taiwan cleared for missile sales; Bell starts attack helo parts production; Telesat, Lockheed team on SDA; more money for military intel.
Aug 10, 2023
QinetiQ is adapting the four-engine airliner to become an Airborne Technology Demonstrator to support radar and sensor integration work for future programs.
Aug 03, 2023
The U.S. Air Force will begin receiving technical data on the Boeing-Leonardo MH-139 helicopter beginning this fall.
Aug 03, 2023
The flight on Jan. 25 at the Eglin Test and Training Complex off the Florida coast builds on four years of experiments by the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Aug 02, 2023
The ban affects any drone with beyond-line-of-sight range, endurance greater than 30-min., takeoff weight of more than 7 kg or an empty weight more than 4 kg.
Aug 02, 2023
RTX business Collins Aerospace has announced that integration of its MS-110 sensor onto the F-16 aircraft has been completed.
Aug 01, 2023
The U.S. Army has combined Tranche 2 and Tranche 3 for the Short-Range Reconnaissance program into a single production order of 12,000 drones over 10 years.
Aug 01, 2023
Indra is to upgrade the self-protection suites of the Spanish Air Force’s Airbus C295 airlifter fleet.
Aug 01, 2023
Australia, the UK and the U.S. in July signed a cooperation agreement to work together on future upgrades to the E-7A, with a focus on interoperability.