Sensors & Electronic Warfare Analysis

Apr 05, 2024
The U.S. military wants terminals to connect with multiple satellite constellations.
Apr 04, 2024
Umbra Space is the latest commercial space company to show that bistatic coupling of two radar satellites could be used to implement moving target indication.
Apr 01, 2024
The U.S. is marshaling unprecedented resources to shore up its chipmaking capabilities. Results thus far are mixed.
Mar 13, 2024
Defense conglomerate Edge Group focuses on autonomy, electronic warfare and precision weapons.
Feb 02, 2024
A new contract awarded to Raytheon aims to expand the application and understanding of high-power microwave weapons beyond capabilities now entering service.
Jun 12, 2024
Hanwha will integrate its new AESA radar, featuring the "tile" type transmitter/receive (T/R) block design, on to the KUS-LW.
Jun 12, 2024
The targeting pod failed within two months of use, Danish auditors said, and in some cases did not pass its first test.
Jun 10, 2024
The Taiwan Air Force plans to upgrade the avionics on its Lockheed Martin C-130H Hercules aircraft.
Jun 07, 2024
Diehl's Feanix—Future Effector–Adaptable, Networked, Intelligent, eXpendable—is an under-300-kg (660-lb.)-class, turbojet-powered, clean-sheet air system.
Jun 06, 2024
The newly announced plan is part of a wider effort to expand production and repair capacity for the F-35’s acrylic transparencies.
May 30, 2024
In a new report, Crunchbase says that defense startups raised just $228 million through mid-May, a 62% decline.
May 29, 2024
Sweden will transfer a pair of airborne early warning aircraft to Ukraine in a bid to bolster the country’s air defense and support its future F-16s.
May 28, 2024
The sensor upgrade will be installed on the CH-149s as part of the C$1 billion ($734 million) Cormorant Mid-Life Update program.