U.S. Air Force Embraces High-End Airpower To Counter China

U.S. Air Force fighter jets in flight
The Air Force intends to cut previously planned purchases of the F-35 through the middle of this decade to help the service afford the costs of upgrades and sustainment of the high-performance fighter.
Credit: Master Sgt. Benjamin Mota/U.S. Air Force
If the U.S. Air Force was hedging its bets on abstract, more affordable aircraft designs in past years, it is now embracing the strategy of high-end airpower to counter China by placing its dollars behind the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter, the Northrop Grumman B-21 bomber and the future Next...
Matthew Jouppi

Matthew is the Military Program Analyst at Aviation Week’s Intelligence and Data Services (IDS). Matthew previously served as a Defense Analyst covering the Asia-Pacific region for IDS.

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