Pentagon Appoints Placeholder Team During Biden Transition

Credit: U.S. Government

At the same time U.S. President Joe Biden took office, the Defense Department’s succession plan went into effect, meaning the new administration has appointed placeholders for top roles as the Senate confirmation process continues.

Office of the Secretary of Defense:

• David Norquist, previously the deputy defense secretary, is now the acting defense secretary.

• Terence Emmert, previously advanced capabilities principal deputy direct of defense for research and engineering, is now performing the duties of the under secretary of defense for research and engineering.

• Stacy Cummings, previously principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for acquisition, is now performing the duties of the under secretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment.

• Amanda Dory, previously plans and posture principal director, is now performing the duties of the under secretary of defense for policy.

• Joseph Nogueira, previously cost assessment and program evaluation principal deputy, is now the acting cost assessment and program evaluation director.

• Raymond O’Toole, previously operational test and evaluation principal deputy director, is now the acting operational test and evaluation director.

U.S. Air Force:

• John Roth, previously assistant secretary of the Air Force for financial management and comptroller, is now acting Air Force secretary.

• Darlene Costello, previously principal deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition technology and logistics, is now acting assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, logistics and technology.

• Shawn Barnes, previously deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for space, is now performing the duties of the assistant secretary of the Air Force for space acquisition and integration.

U.S. Army:

• John Whitley, previously assistant secretary of the Army for financial management and comptroller, is now acting Army secretary.

• Lt. Gen. Bob Marion, previously military deputy, is now acting assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology.

U.S. Navy

• Tom Harker, previously assistant secretary of the Navy for financial management and comptroller, is now acting Navy secretary.

• Jay Stefany, previously assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition principal civilian deputy, is now acting assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition.