
English Text by Adrian Schofield
东南亚机队未来将快速增长,这促使飞机维修机构启动雄心勃勃的升级计划,以获取更多的工作,并扩大自己的能力。The promise of rapid fleet growth in Southeast Asia is spurring aircraft maintenance organizations to launch ambitious upgrade plans as they look to capture more work and broaden their capabilities.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Alex Derber
从增材制造到协作机器人(cobots)、外骨骼、增强现实,航空MRO产业必将迎来工作方式上的变革。 From additive manufacturing to cobots, exoskeletons and augmented reality, the aviation MRO industry is in for changes in how work is done.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Bradley Perrett
ベル社は、アジア太平洋地域でのAH-1Z ヴァイパー攻撃ヘリの5機と、それに密接に関連するUH-1Yヴェノム汎用ヘリをさらにもう1機販売する機会を検討している。Bell is pursuing five Asia-Pacific sales opportunities for the AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter and one more for the closely related UH-1Y Venom utility helicopter.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Bradley Perrett
日本防衛省が来年度防衛費で開発に着手する次世代戦闘機の初年度要求額が、200億円(1億9千万米ドル)に上ることを防衛省関係者が明らかにしたとウェブマガジン「現代ビジネス」が伝えた。 The Japanese defense ministry wants to spend ¥20 billion ($190 million) on development of the country’s next combat aircraft in the coming fiscal year, the Gendai business magazine reported, citing a ministry official.
Aerospace & Defense

By Graham Warwick, Steve Trimble
米国の軍事的な優位性が低下している中、米国 DARPA(国防高等研究計画局)はプラットフォーム上の機能の分散を推し進めている。 As the foundation of U.S. military dominance becomes a vulnerability, DARPA makes push for decentralizing
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Steve Trimble
レイセオン社は、新型中距離空対空ミサイル「ペレグリン (Peregrine)」の内部資金による開発を発表した。これはAIM-120中距離対空ミサイルの射程と、AIM-9X サイドワインダー短距離空対空ミサイルの機動性を持ち、搭載ミサイル数を引き上げるために従来よりさらに小型に設計されている。 Raytheon has unveiled an internally funded program to develop a new air-to-air missile called Peregrine that combines the reach of the medium-range AIM-120 and the maneuverability of the short-range AIM-9X, but in a smaller form factor to increase the magazine depth of tactical aircraft.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Tony Osborne
レオナルド・ヘリコプターズは、ポーランドの多目的ヘリコプターW-3「ソコル」の大幅な改修計画を発表した。 Leonardo has lifted the lid on a comprehensive concept upgrade for Poland’s multirole W-3 Sokol helicopters.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Kim Minseok and Bradley Perrett
韓国国防部は、KAIのKF-Xプログラムのための開発費として2020年度の予算50兆ウォンを要求した。 The KAI KF-X program is a factor in the South Korean defense ministry’s 2020 budget request of 50 trillion won.
Aerospace & Defense

English text by Kim Minseok and Bradley Perrett
进入新的5年防务计划期间,韩国国防部2020年国产武器发展预算同比激增20.7%,以期在良好的经济条件下更好地发展国产武器计划。韩国航宇工业有限公司(KAI)的KF-X战斗机计划是国防预算上涨的关键原因。 Entering a new five-year defense planning period, the South Korean defense ministry wants to kick things off with a 20.7% surge in the budget for indigenous weapon development in 2020. The Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) KF-X fighter program is a key reason for the rise.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Bradley Perrett
日本国防部已提议在2020年4月开始的财政年度启动未来战斗机的发展,并表示即使没能争取到国际合作伙伴,未来战斗机项目也应该继续进行。 The Japanese defense ministry has proposed to launch Future Fighter development in the fiscal year beginning in April 2020, and said it should proceed even if a hoped-for international partnership cannot be arranged.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Marhalim Abas
马来西亚皇家空军(RMAF)在最近的一次实弹射击演习中,使用苏-30MKM战斗机投放了两款俄制普通炸弹。 The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) introduced two types of Russian general-purpose bombs into service.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Steve Trimble & Guy Norris
随着一批攻击性高超声速武器进入关键的飞行测试阶段,美国导弹防御局(MDA)已经推出了一种高超声速防御架构,一些行业和军方官员认为这种对高超声速武器进行防御的架构可能涉及的范围更广,而且比采用高超声速武器打击对手更具挑战性。 As a crop of offensive hypersonic weapons approaches a crucial flight-testing phase, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has advanced a hypersonic defense architecture that some industry and military officials describe as potentially broader in scope and more challenging to achieve than their attacking counterparts.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Steve Trimble
“HACM”和“HCCW”是否是美国高超声速武器体系中缺失的环节? Are “HACM” and “HCCW” the missing links in the U.S. hypersonic weapons portfolio?
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Steve Trimble & Guy Norris
随着一批攻击性高超声速武器进入关键的飞行测试阶段,美国导弹防御局(MDA)已经推出了一种高超声速防御架构,一些行业和军方官员认为这种对高超声速武器进行防御的架构可能涉及的范围更广,而且比采用高超声速武器打击对手更具挑战性。 As a crop of offensive hypersonic weapons approaches a crucial flight-testing phase, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has advanced a hypersonic defense architecture that some industry and military officials describe as potentially broader in scope and more challenging to achieve than their attacking counterparts.
Aerospace & Defense

The ADS-B compliance date is hard on the horizon. As of May, the number of turbine-powered U.S. business aircraft equipped with ADS-B rose to 77% of the fleet.
Business Aviation

By Molly McMillin
Jack Pelton, the former head of Cessna Aircraft, was elected EAA’s Chairman of the Board in 2012 and named CEO in 2015.
Business Aviation

GE Aviation
In April, CFM International* (CFM) reached a new production milestone when employees built and assembled the 15,000th CFM56-7B jet engine destined for a Boeing Next-Generation 737 airplane.
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

GE Aviation

Where GE’s Flight Management System delivers gains in efficiency and economy for individual flights, the new Connected FMS aims to provide even greater gains for the fleet. The capability to optimize flight plans while in route promises significant benefits. The process is fast, efficient and secure.

GE Aviation

At GE Aviation, everyday more than 47,000 people are working around the world to make a difference.

By Bernie Baldwin
With new scope negotiations due between now and 2022, OEMs are hopeful enough changes will enable their new crossover narrowbody jets to penetrate the North American market.
Small Narrowbody Jets

By Bernie Baldwin
Engine manufacturers know that every cycle produced by their engines has value for themselves and the operators.
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

Watch the 1999 documentary featuring Joe Sutter, who said: "I believe the 747 program is just in its midlife. You’ll see this airplane flying another 20 or 30 years from now. It’ll be in production for something like 50 years.”

Air Transport

GE Aviation

From the first day that GE took to the skies in 1919 with the Turbo Supercharger, the company has radically changed how airplanes fly.

GE Aviation
CFM's next-gen engine has racked up some impressive statistics in the 29 months since the first LEAP-powered airplane entered airline service in August 2016.
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

By Bernie Baldwin
The big question for OEMs now is how much further new crossover narrowbody jets can penetrate the European market compared with previous generations of aircraft.
Small Narrowbody Jets