Aviation Week & Space Technology - Defense Technology Edition

Specialists can now analyze IED blasts and, possibly, identify bomb builders with a new mobile lab.
Defense and Space

U.S. Navy’s EA-18G Growler sparks praise for the aircraft’s jamming capabilities as its use expands.
Defense and Space

Tehran’s ballistic missile tests alert Israel and its regional neighbors to the need for effective air defense.
Defense and Space

By Angus Batey
RAF’s Sentinel aircraft are valuable intelligence assets, but the U.K. seems reluctant to finance meaningful upgrades.
Defense and Space

By Graham Warwick
Another attempt to combine high speed with hover agility produces a unique solution combining tandem tiling wings, hybrid turbine-electric power and distributed electric propulsion.

As the U.S. Navy promotes a “distributed lethality” concept for surface ships, the search is intensifying for longer-range surface-to-surface missiles.
Defense and Space

The Royal Navy finds that adding capabilities to a ship’s design also adds cost—lots of cost, in fact.
Defense and Space

The U.S. Army is testing a number of internal lubricants for rifle components that would eliminate manual cleaning of weapons.
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French army mandates low lifecycle costs for its new fleet of army vehicles, with maintenance ease also in mind.
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The U.S. Navy’s Battlespace Awareness office generates situational data for commanders. Directing the office is Capt. Jeffrey Czerewko, whose wish list includes modular software.
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The secret U.S. defense and intelligence budget is bigger than most nations’ total defense spending.
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Israeli companies are India’s second-largest arms suppliers, and new rules increasing foreign stakes in joint ventures should build their market share
Defense and Space

A downsized satcom payload has the potential to boost high-speed data-processing capabilities of small unmanned aerial vehicles.
Defense and Space

Defense contractors try new cost-capability trades to unlock Asia-Pacific deals
Defense and Space

U.S. Army wants to install a universal control interface on UAS so operators can pilot more than one model.
Defense and Space

JSF cuts and a surprise lower price for the new bomber are a bonanza for new projects.

By incorporating more capabilities in the redesigned AMP tank round, the U.S. Army will reduce the need for tankers to make multiple ammunition choices based on perceived combat threats.
Defense and Space

A new high-speed digital converter increases the amount of analog data that can be digitized for computer analysis.
Defense and Space

A prototype camera captures features of an individual’s skin for accurate surveillance or search and rescue.
Defense and Space

Recurring reliability issues, once thought to be resolved, raise concerns for U.S. Navy’s unmanned minehunting vehicle.
Defense and Space

The U.K. Center for Maritime Intelligent Systems looks to unlock the potential of unmanned autonomous technologies for Royal Navy operations.
Defense and Space

Higher power and deeper diving are keys to development for the U.S. Navy’s large-displacement UUV.
Defense and Space

By Angus Batey
High-tech lasers for airborne targeting pods and ground operations are the specialty of a Finmeccanica unit in Scotland.
Defense and Space

U.S. Navy’s Surface Force Commander has a vision: Add missiles to more surface ships and an enemy will confront multiple lethal threats.
Defense and Space

Environmentally friendly plants in France and Italy destroy outdated munitions and guard their technology, while conforming to European health regulations.
Defense and Space